pulp$65431$ - translation to ελληνικό
Διαδικτυακό λεξικό

pulp$65431$ - translation to ελληνικό

Splenic pulp; Red Pulp

n. μαλακή ουσία καρπού, ψαχνό, πολτός
wood pulp         
  • Pulp at a [[paper mill]] near Pensacola, 1947
  • absorbent]] products with the [[Kraft process]]
  • Mechanical pulping process<ref name=igg/>
  • Fibres in wood pulp
Deinked pulp; Thermo mechanical pulp; Pulping; Paper pulp; Wood-pulp; Pulped; Paper Pulp; Woodpulp; Acid paper; Wood-pulp paper; De-inked pulp; Wood pulp; Chemical pulping process; Chemical pulp; Paper degradation; Mechanical pulp; Mechanical wood pulp; Market pulp; Alternatives to wood pulp
dental decay         
  • An amalgam used as a restorative material in a tooth.
  • Tooth decay
  • logarithmic scale]], so line is straight.
  • Diagrammatic representation of acidogenic theory of causation of dental caries. Four factors, namely, a suitable carbohydrate substrate '''(1)''', micro-organisms in dental plaque '''(2)''', a susceptible tooth surface '''(3)''' and time '''(4)'''; must be present together for dental caries to occur '''(5)'''. Saliva '''(6)''' and fluoride '''(7)''' are modifying factors.
  • >142}}
  • Microbe communities attach to tooth surface and create a biofilm. As the biofilm grows an anaerobic environment forms from the oxygen being used. Microbes use sucrose and other dietary sugars as a food source. The dietary sugars go through anaerobic fermentation pathways producing lactate. The lactate is excreted from the cell onto the tooth enamel then ionizes. The lactate ions demineralize the hydroxyapatite crystals causing the tooth to degrade.
  • The tip of a [[dental explorer]], which is used for caries diagnosis
  • A dental infection resulting in an abscess and inflammation of the maxillary sinus
  • Common dentistry trays used to deliver fluoride.
  • G. V. Black]] Classification of Restorations
  • Tooth samples imaged with a non-coherent continuous light source (row 1), LSI (row 2) and pseudo-color visualization of LSI (row 3).<ref name="Deana2013" />
  • An image from ''[[Omne Bonum]]'' (14th century) depicting a dentist extracting a tooth with [[forceps]].
  • The progression of pit and fissure caries resembles two triangles with their bases meeting along the junction of enamel and dentin.
  • The faster spread of caries through dentin creates this triangular appearance in smooth surface caries.
  • Fluoride is sold in tablets for cavity prevention.
  • "Stephan curve", showing sudden decrease in plaque pH following glucose rinse, which returns to normal after 30–60&nbsp;min. Net demineralization of dental hard tissues occurs below the critical pH (5.5), shown in yellow.
  • A [[Gram stain]] image of ''Streptococcus mutans''.
  • Rampant caries caused by [[methamphetamine]] abuse.
  • filling]].
  • [[Toothbrush]]es are commonly used to clean teeth.
  • A tooth with extensive caries eventually requiring extraction.
Caries; Dental cavity; Dental cavities; Cariogenesis; Dental cariogenesis; Tooth Decay Bacteria; Diet, cariogenic; Carious lesion; Caries lesion; Cariostatic agents; Cariogenic agents; Rampant caries; Smooth surface caries; Smooth-surface caries; Pit and fissure caries; Root surface caries; Root caries; Dental decay; Tooth infections; Tooth cavity; Mountain Dew mouth; Teeth decay; Cariogenic; Caries formation; Caries Formation; Fissure (dentistry); Anticariogenic; Incipient carious lesion; Cariogenicity; Dental worm; Teeth cavities; Laser caries detection; Mountain Dew Mouth; Soda mouth; Baby Bottle Tooth Decay; Baby Bottle Mouth Syndrome; Dental caries; Dental carries


·p.pr. & ·vb.n. of Pulp.


Red pulp

The red pulp of the spleen is composed of connective tissue known also as the cords of Billroth and many splenic sinusoids that are engorged with blood, giving it a red color. Its primary function is to filter the blood of antigens, microorganisms, and defective or worn-out red blood cells.

The spleen is made of red pulp and white pulp, separated by the marginal zone; 76-79% of a normal spleen is red pulp. Unlike white pulp, which mainly contains lymphocytes such as T cells, red pulp is made up of several different types of blood cells, including platelets, granulocytes, red blood cells, and plasma.

The red pulp also acts as a large reservoir for monocytes. These monocytes are found in clusters in the Billroth's cords (red pulp cords). The population of monocytes in this reservoir is greater than the total number of monocytes present in circulation. They can be rapidly mobilised to leave the spleen and assist in tackling ongoing infections.